Saturday 28 July 2012

Tempo in the Golf Swing

If you watch the worlds best players they all have good tempo. I believe tempo is created with lighter grip pressure and balance at the address position. Grip the club on the tighter side and you will most likely swing the golf club in quick tempo. Combine this with an unbalanced setup and you have a recipe for tempo which will hurt the golf swing. Lighter grip pressure and a solid balanced set up allows you to swing the golf club in good tempo and finish in good balance. I shot video with a driver and an 8 iron in real time to show accurate swing tempo. Usually I shoot at 240FPS for most videos.

A Few Key Points:

Grip pressure on the lighter side at address.
Weight evenly distributed on the balls of my feet.
I now have a good beginning to start the golf swing and keep good tempo and balance during the golf shot.
I now focus on swinging the golf club back turning in to my right side ( left side for left handed players)
After I've made a good turn in to my right side I have a means to turn back to the golf ball and finish the swing keeping good tempo and balance.
If I'm out of balance my swing tempo will possibly increase during the swing producing mishits and unwanted golf shots which effect your ability to keep the golf ball in play and ultimately score.
Hitting all golf shots I attempt to keep the same tempo and let the length of golf club speed up the golf swing. You will see when viewing the 8 iron video followed by driver video.

A great drill to use to find good tempo is during your back swing say the word practice
and during the down swing say the word swing. I wrote about this several years ago and the bottom link takes you to the GolfOnline website for viewing. Remember swing in smooth tempo for better ball striking. One last thought, if playing in the wind try to swing the club slower. Wind causes most golfers to speed up and swing in a quicker tempo. If you require help with tempo and any part of your game contact Mark at
Golf is truly the greatest game we play. Enjoy

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