Friday 27 July 2012

The 5 Foot Chip Shot Out Of Deep Rough

Everyone has done this during play. You hit your approach shot and missed the green on either side. The shot you hit is long and the golf ball settles down in the rough. Your also short sided to a front pin with a downhill chip shot. Usually to get to this point you've hit too much club or perhaps your approach was hit thin. Now I have a tough golf shot. Here's how to escape and save par.

Club of choice your most lofted. My club was the 60 degree wedge.
Play the golf ball slightly back of centre in your stance.
Stance is not quite shoulder width apart on the inside of my feet. I want my base to be very stable to hit this shot. Place a little extra weight on your front foot and leave it during the shot.
I take a few practice swings measuring how much back swing I need to chip the golf ball 5 feet. Because the shot is downhill and severe I need to use the fringe to help me control how far the golf ball will roll after hitting the ground.
Hinge your wrists a little on the back swing. This gives you a steeper angle of attack hitting the chip shot, also allowing you to hit the golf ball first and not the grass surrounding the golf ball.
When you hit the chip shot keep a firm left wrist ( right wrist for left handed players ) and a short follow through keeping the face of the golf club square to the target line. The golf ball rolls up the face of the club and lands soft. Your escape is complete.
For more information hitting this golf shot email
Enjoy golf to the fullest.



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