Saturday 7 July 2012

Creating a Better Swing Plane

An inside swing path on the downswing is vital for good ball striking. This allows you to hit consistent powerful golf shots. This drill will help you create a repeatable inside swing path and stop having to worry about the over the top cut across straight pull shots or the over the top slice shots that plaque most golfers from time to time.

Here's how:

You need a driver golf shaft minus the club head.
The larger of the pool noodles kids play in the pool with. They must be the bigger circumference so the noodle will slide over the grip on the shaft. Also when windy it holds its position more or less.

Stick the shaft in the ground (see video)
Insert the pool noodle over the grip so it sticks out on the angle in the video.
Touch your back shoulder as shown in the video and move a couple of feet sideways or towards a target your aiming at or swinging.
Simply keep the club under the noodle while swinging.
You will notice the golf club is on the same angle as the noodle. Just under it on the down swing thus creating and inside swing path. This can be done in your backyard. 5 minutes a day would help greatly.
For more information on improving contact myself at
Enjoy golf to the fullest. What a great game when basics are applied.


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