Saturday 18 August 2012

Curving a Golf Ball Around a Tree

If your stuck behind trees you have a couple of options. Hit it back in play and trust your wedge game and putting or the more adventurous shot, going around the trees and hitting the golf shot down the fairway or on the green. If you choose the second you can escape this way. This shot was 140 yards. My club of choice was a 9 iron as that is a good distance for me and if the golf ball lands short of the green it will release towards the green or near by leaving a short pitch or chip shot.

Grip the golf club as you normally would for any golf shot.

Ball position in the middle of my stance. If I wanted to hook the golf ball more I may move the golf ball back a little in my stance. Moving the golf ball back is easier to hit with a short iron if required. Also it's easier to apply curvature to a golf ball with a lofted golf club.

I choose a line I want the golf ball to start on and set the golf club on that line. My line was right of the trees in front of me and towards the trap front right of the green.

I set my body line closed to the golf ball starting line which is to the right as you will see in the video. The club face is now closed but pointed at the golf ball starting line.

From this point I swing along my body line and hit the golf shot.

The golf ball starts right of the trees and hooks back to the green. This shot I hit on the green and was putting for birdie.

This is a risk / reward shot so decide if you want to take the shot on. You also have to determine what you will gain or loose from playing the shot. The next time your playing a few holes try this a few times before attempting the shot in a game. If you have any questions or require help with this shot or your game email Mark at

Enjoy the greatest game we play.

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