Tuesday 22 July 2014

Keeping a Consistent Spine Angle During the Swing

Do you find yourself hitting the golf ball thin or not getting much loft to your golf shots?
Ever hear the saying "you lifted your head"?

It's not actually lifting your head that's causing the problem. Your spine angle is changing during the golf swing. The reason your spine angle is changing is due to your rear end moving towards the golf ball on your downswing which causes you to come up and out of golf shots. Here's a simple fix for the problem. Take a folding chair and have the back of the chair touching your rear end at the address position. Simply keep your rear end touching the chair at all times during the golf swing. On my back swing the right side of my rear end (left side for left handed players) is touching the chair. At impact I want and beyond to the finish my left side of my rear end (right side for left handed players) is touching the chair. I feel during the swing my rear end is pressuring backwards. You will see in the video the chair actually moves backwards. I hit the shot with a great deal of loft. This is an easy drill you can perform anywhere while swinging a club and improve your ball striking. 
For more information about this drill or if you have any questions about lessons please email Mark at graingergolf@rocketmail.com 

Simple instruction for better golf 


1 comment:

  1. Really informative post in golfing techniques .. like it
