Sunday 30 June 2013

Turn Your Chest on Pitch Shots

A common mistake golfers make when hitting pitch shots is during the downswing they stop turning their chest. The arms continue moving and a scooping motion occurs which can cause all kinds of problems such as mishits sending the golf ball in the wrong direction over the green or in most cases well short of the intended target. The shot below I hit from very deep rough and kept the club moving by turning my chest with my arms. This keeps the club moving with limited chance the rough will grab the hosel and turn the face closed at impact.

The Shot:

60 degree lob wedge
Ball position just forward of centre
Stance slightly open and half shoulder width apart
Weight slightly towards my left leg, right leg for left handed players at address 
Shaft leans slightly towards target at address. The less lean the higher you will hit the shot
Takeaway is slightly steeper to to create a steeper angle of attack on the down swing
On the down swing more weight shifts to my left side, right side for left handed players
My arms and my chest turn with the club allowing the momentum I've gained during the back swing to keep going. This also keeps the face of the club square at impact. Notice the club face points to the sky during the follow through. The result is a well hit pitch which will land soft. If you want to improve your scoring start by improving your short game.

For more information on hitting this shot or booking a lesson contact Mark at the following,

Enjoy the best game we play


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